
You may say…

We artists are dreamers. We have devoted our lives to the creation of ideas, to make the world a better place. We have committed to not giving up, to try and try and try, every day again. We have decided to be different, to take risks, to ask questions, to express ourselves, and not be silent. But most and foremost: we have pledged to love. We do what we love, we love what we do, and we demand to be loved for what we do.

I’m a dreamer…

Every day, I have to explain myself to an outside world that does not seem to understand. Why am I not getting a real job? What am I even doing all day? I am in my thirties and I still don’t have a job, a family, a house, a car, a life? What is wrong with me?

This blog is devoted to all of us and our daily struggle. This is what I would have needed, starting out as an artist. I was a 10 year old kid when i started playing violin. When I was 14 I got my own guitar, started writing songs, founded my own band, and began producing music. When I finally got out of school, there was no other choice than devoting my life to music.

I had been broke my whole life, nevertheless, at some point I decided to pack my things, get a visa, and move across the globe to Hollywood. That is where the real struggle began and where it is about to end. These days I turn on the TV and hear my own music playing; I get calls from Disney when they need a title song for a new show. And in between all the Hollywood craziness, I am trying to live the life I want to live, be the person I want to be, do the things I want to do.

… But I’m not the only one

In this blog I will share all that with you, my fellow dreamers. Every day I am trying to find new ways to live my life to it’s fullest potential; to do the things that I never thought would be possible. I research and test uncommon ways of living in order to not only be successful, but also be happy. I am humbled to share my experiences with other fellow dreamers on this blog and encourage you to share your experiences with me and the world. Here, on this blog, we talk about everything.

Do you have anything that is on your mind that you want me to write about? Comment below or send me your thoughts to jonas@wearedreamers.blog. With a a lot of mutual love, and hopefully heated discussions, we can grow together and create a community that shares the drive of creativity, the urge to express ourselves, and the aspiration to live a life worth living.

Here are some of the headlines I will be writing about:

  • You are doing what? How about getting a real job?
  • Can I charge money for doing what I love?
  • How much we should charge and a little reality check.
  • When am I finally good enough to become really successful?
  • The truth about being successful and why having talent is not enough.
  • Why taking the weekend off won’t kill your career (and will make you a better artist).
  • How to live within our means – a few thoughts about (not) spending money.
  • How long we should wait for inspiration and why we never get stuff done.
  • Being reliable vs. being flexible.
  • How much networking do we really need?
  • Why “trying hard” will not get us anywhere but “doing hard” will.
  • Why we need mentors and where to find them.
  • The difference between a successful business and a successful artist.
  • What we can learn from millionaires.
  • When to leave our bedroom and get the real jobs.
  • Working from home or better not?
  • When to stop learning and finally charge real money.
  • About the difference between being a “big shot” and actually being successful.
  • Why 90% of the projects in Hollywood never happen and what that means for us.
  • How to find out if my art is actually any good and if that’s important.
  • Some thoughts about “living the dream”, based on real-life experience.
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